Artist Lucy Kendall

"My mum, Shelley, made a deal with me to pay me per grade for my GCSE exam results... I ended up with £850 from my combined results.

I then used that money to pay for my first greeting card range and my sales from those have resulted in the range I have today!

I am inspired by my love for animals and the beautiful Dorset countryside, and aim to create not only physical likeness within my work but depict the character of the animal I'm drawing too.

I am an incredibly fussy person, and I push this into my work to create high quality products. I also aim to use as local as possible, and all goods are made within the UK.

I finished my a-levels and art foundation, and was ready to jump full time into the business when I was diagnosed with CFS and had to take a backseat, and am still allowing my body to heal, but I cannot wait to see what 2024 brings."

Lots of Love, Lucy xx

Share A Little Love, Share A Little Frankie

Who is Frankie?

"Frankie is my all time favourite drawing, as well as the best seller. And as soon as I drew her I fell in love instantly- I knew she was the one to be the mascot for my drawing "

Lucy xx

About Artist Lucy Kendall

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